
New ways of managing your remote team

It wouldn’t be wrong if we say “The Future of Work is Here and it’s Remote.” Remote teams are becoming a necessity in the workplace. The way we work has...
Posted in Hiring
New ways of managing your remote team

It wouldn’t be wrong if we say “The Future of Work is Here and it’s Remote.”

Remote teams are becoming a necessity in the workplace. The way we work has changed drastically, and it will continue to change in the future. Not only is it more cost-effective for companies, but it also has many benefits for remote workers.

In a remote team, employees are able to work from anywhere they want. This means that they can avoid long commutes and spend more time with their family or other activities that they enjoy. It also enables people to work from places where there might not be enough jobs available locally, allowing them to find work by moving across the globe – even if they don’t speak the same language.

It is making the workforce more productive, allowing them to take breaks when needed, and giving them access to quality-of-life benefits that were not possible before. This scenario is a piece of great news for employers too as the more contented employees, the better relationships, and the thriving businesses.  

According to LinkedIn, the most trusted recruitment platform,  the majority of people want to work virtually or in a hybrid workplace because of the advantages it offers. 

That’s why it is crucial for employers to learn managerial strategies for handling their remote teams more effectively. 

In this article, you’ll discover every aspect of Virtual team management and its challenges and how to tackle them.

What is a remote team?


What is a Remote Team

A remote team is one that conducts its business from homes or other remote locations. Remote employees use digital tools to accomplish the same goals. When employers want their workers to be able to balance work and personal obligations without sacrificing the quality or performance of their work, they often use this idea.

Since they provide advantages like flexibility, cost-saving, productivity, and health, virtual teams are growing in popularity in today’s world.

What are the challenges of managing a remote team?


Challenges of managing a remote team

• Lack of Communication: There are many challenges that come with managing a remote team. Communication is one of the biggest hurdles. There is no face-to-face communication with remote employees and it can be difficult to get everyone on the same page when it comes time to make decisions or solve problems because they are not in the same room together. This can lead to miscommunication which can result in wasted time and energy spent trying to fix things that could have been avoided.

• Lack of Supervision: According to studies, employees’ performance tends to decline over time when no one is there to monitor it. Your team members might need time-to-time check-ups to stay on track with productivity. It is fairly simple when dealing with office workers, but it can be difficult when dealing with remote ones because it may appear to be pressuring them.

• Lack of Workplace Environment: Every organization has some set of work cultures they follow like organizing team-building activities and celebrating affairs. But these aren’t really possible with remote employees, making them feel like left-outs in the firm. Studies even suggest that remote workers are lacking in teamwork and feeling lonely which is not ideal for a healthy workplace.

• Lack of Trust: Another major issue that employers face is trusting their team members when they aren’t at a door distance. Trust issues between employers and remote employees could be a result of poor communication, lack of transparency, and lack of monitoring. These issues can compel you to wonder about what your team members are doing. This obviously creates a negative environment in the workplace.

What are the ways to managing your remote team effectively?


Manage your remote team effectively

Rule 1: Communication is key

The number one thing in a virtual working environment would be transparent and regular communication between the company and its employees. Employers need to make creative effective strategies to emphasize good communication. They can focus on regular check-ups yet not too often, so your team doesn’t stress out.

You can opt for regular video calls rather than just sending emails or messages for conversations. One of the best ways is by using virtual software like Skype or Zoom. These tools allow for better communication and collaboration with your employees no matter where they are in the world.

Rule 2: Set expectations for both parties

Every newbie employee faces the struggle of knowing nothing about the company’s culture, leaving them with the dilemma of “from where should I start.” This can lead to frustration, apprehension, and unappreciation which would eventually stagnate your productivity.

You can’t expect them to just self-start their journey. If you wish to increase your efficiency then you’ve to set clear expectations in front of them. When everyone is aware of what they are expected to do, they will give their fullest. Only a fully engaged employee can contribute to the growth of the organization.

Rule 3: Provide feedback

Managing a remote team can be challenging because there isn’t always someone around who knows what each person is doing all day long. In that case, regular meetings will help everyone update on progress toward shared goals and deadlines so that everyone feels involved and engaged throughout.

Creating an effective feedback loop on their performance will make them feel valued and less likely to look for other opportunities elsewhere too.

Rule 4: Be flexible with your employees’ schedules

Well, flexibility is one of the basic things a virtual employee seeks these days. It motivates them to be more fruitful. A remote workplace improves the retention of top performers and creates diversity. This implies you’ll be adding value to your company with candidates of different perspectives.

Moreover, they feel more cherished if you’re giving them easygoing working hours where they can balance out their family and work.

Rule 5: Be understanding of your employees’ needs

Don’t you just love it when you get a familiar environment at the workplace? Of course, you do, and so do your staff members. It makes them feel comfortable and accepted where they can work happily. You can easily pull up this strategy.

Start by getting to know your employees. Understand their needs and be there when they need some guidance both, professionally and unprofessionally. Emotional support and empathy are essential to an employer for boosting overall performance.

Rule 6: Trust your employees to do their jobs well

Rome wasn’t built in a day and so does the process of trusting your team members. But you have to put a little faith in them for a start. Make time to focus on team-building activities and build
relationships with your members. Analyze their achievements and then decide whether they are worth your trust or not.

Rule 7: Encourage the use of Digital Tools

Keeping a track of each and every employee’s work every day is troublesome. That’s why you can encourage them to write down all the information on their worksheets on a daily basis about what they have completed, and what is in their pipeline. Members of a team should have authorization of editing and view every document they work on.


Remote teams have become the new normal. They are changing the way we work and they are changing the way we live. Workers can now work from anywhere and anytime, which has changed how we communicate, collaborate, and manage our time. This has created a new type of workplace where people can work remotely or from different locations to create a hybrid workplace.

Managing remote teams takes more effort but is doable and worth it. It is different from managing traditional employees, but the key to success is to set clear expectations, communicate with transparency, provide feedback and easygoing hours, and understand and trust your team members.

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